KidCast for Peace: a project of VARIOUS and - Creativity Café - VARIOUS - KidCast for Peace

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Austria digital Storytelling


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ccafe iconWelcome to Creativity Cafe; A Cyber Play-Space, Edutainment-Center and concept.

A New School, networking night/day club and more…to help transfrom Earth and it's peoples toward a harmonious, happy humanity!

Resource CenterResource Center

Tap into our large network of creative people, resources and solutions offered in the name of PRONOIA.

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V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Members speak out.

kidcast for peace
Kids create international dialog and "solutions" to Earth challenges through live internet video, audio and text.
  • Our Latest News
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  • Youth Media Exchange
  • Founders' Creativity Cafe Blog
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    Contact Improv.. Turtle Swimmer Story
    with a Turtle!
    Spirit Body Photography

    Contact V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media:
    P.O. BOX 854
    Tenafly, NJ 07670
    Contact: 201.500.8841

    (808) 875-4747

    maui artists showcase logo

    The Maui Artists Showcase and Networking Events are Creativity Cafe Core Technology for bringing creative people and their audiences together to explore the creative process and promote the melting of barriers to success.

    Creativity Cafe is a project of Visionary Artists Resources Including Other Unique Services (V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media) Our membership regularly produces live "Edutainments" in locations around the world - to demonstrate some of the components of Creativity Cafe; a venue being designed to harness our planets resources and creative force. Its time to produce and broadcast YOUR positive media, life affirming ideas and images and inter-activities that are healing, help to raise our self-esteem and offer personal growth experiences and transformational theater of the future.

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    Visionary Artists Resources Including Other Unique Services (V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media) and associates is dedicated to the facilitation of creative expression and production, presentation and proliferation of positive media and edutainment; to help heal our planet and its peoples.

    We invite you to join our membership and those aligned with the vision of creating an interactive edutainment New School and Social Mechanism for Planet Earth called Creativity Cafe. We are designed it to be a networking, mentoring and envisioning center for local and global commuinities to help with Earth's transformation.

    Do you resonate with this vision? What part do you play? A Creativity Cafe Consortium is forming and needs you!

    Many V.A.R.I.O.U.S. and community members share in the dream of similar venues to serve global community in appropriate ways.