Organizer and Primary Contact: Peter H. Rosen
Organization: Visionary Artists Resources Including Other Unique Services (V.A.R.I.O.U.S.) producer of
Creativity Cafe; a "New School for the Next Millennium"
Project Information
Title: "KidCast For Peace; Solutions For A Better World"
Media: Internet video, VHS(NTSC), Computer: Floppy disk, ZIP disk
Descriptive sentence:
KidCast For Peace; Solutions for a Better World, is designed to enable kids to suggest to the adults
how to make this a happier, healthier, and safer world through creation of analog and digital art,
web sites and VRML Worlds culminating in live interactive videoconferences on the Internet.
What is your project?
"KidCast For Peace; Solutions For A Better World" is an opportunity for kids of all ages around the
world to meet in real and virtual space to share and discuss solutions to personal and planetary
Does it have a special meaning to you?
Yes, It gives an opportunity for kids to tell the adults what to do for a change, and establishes a
conduit to tap into the primal creative force of young people, untainted by the games of "adults." I
get to be a role model for young people learning digital tools for storytelling their future world
into existance.
What do you like best about it?
Children learn compassion and how to see for another's point of view. They learn how to do digital
storytelling and meet other kids around the world. Self esteem is increased becuse our thoughts
and feelings are heard, recognized, and appreciated.
How did you first think of the ideas?
I woke up one morning with the thought "Since I have been invited to set up an interactive
Creativity CafeĀ environment, wouldn't it be cool to ask kids to suggest to the the adults in an
internet video conference, how to make this a happier, healthier, safer and more peaceful world. I
wrote a message outlining my idea and suggesting ways for childrend, parents, teachers and
sponsors to participate. The overwhelming response was positively amazing, causing me to invent
the game and build a website to support and propigate the "KidCast" Concept on June 24, 1995, in
San Francisco California.
How will your project affect others?
It will give children a sense of self esteem to participate, They will learn not only how to use
traditional and digital art tools to express themselves, but how to make a ilasting contribution to
the unfoldment of a healthy and peaceful world. They will learn to see-through-anothers-eyes and
be exposed to many difference cultures. It will demonstrate their creativity and make their voices
heard; they are the leaders of tomorrow, this projects gives them a loud voice that they may help
shape the world they will inherit.
Presentation Information
Other credits (mentors, collaborators, sponsors), I am planning to collaborate with the
following:, Dr. Dave Warner and his Cyberarium Project, Dr. John Southworth and his
class at University of Hawaii, John McCloud and Digiquest, SF, Maui Hawaii Schools, Yoko and her
telecommunications class in Tokoyo Japan, Just Think Organization, SF, ThinkQuest; VRML labs for
children's Environmental education, Paul Hugel; S.A.V.E, Maui, who will supply SGI equipment for
VRML World Building and to act as a Media Server to the Internet.
Dimensions of work: approximately 600 sq feet of floor space
Length of work: during, before & beyond our planned 2 day Netcast:7/22-3/98
Hardware used:
Mac's and PC's supplied by Dave Warner, other sponsors and participants. SGI computers supplied
by S.A.V.E. MAUI program.
Software used
CU-SeeMe, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia DreamWeaver, Netscape Navigator, Debabilizer,
Macromedia Director, Adobe After Effects, Apple Quicktime, etc. Software already supplied by
sigKIDS INterACTive Floor space required:
Approximately 600 sq ft.. Estimated shipping cost: $300 (for Video Projector)
What supplies and people will you need during the conference to set up and run your project? Attach a complete list:
Paper and Crayons, Finger paint, watercolors, Tables and chairs for 25, 10 basic computers with
zip drives, two master computers with ability to input and output video; 1 for CU-SeeMe
videoconference, and the other for creative support, Raid Array for video support, two color
printers, scanner, web server, video camera, tripod, videotape (for documentation and taking live
video for digitization, manipulation and KidCast art submission).
6/day volunteer Creativity Cafe/KidCast Tour Guides 4/day Space and Resource Managers 1
KidCast Spokesperson: Me 3 Web site designers for on the fly Siggraph KidCast Web site production
from art created in Cyberarium and KidCast Central where the "Creativity Cafe KidCast Art
Creation Stations" using above techonlogy will be set up. Corporate Representatives to demonstrate
their products and help kids make 2D, 3D and VRML art. (The KidCast Environment takes place
within and will be a meld with Dave Warner's Cyberarium environment; perhaps to be called
Cyberarium's Creativity Cafe?)
How many people will be able to participate in your project (at one time, per hour, per day)?
60 per hour, 480 a day
Floor plans or drawings indicating space design and utilities required (power, etc.). Attach to this
form: See Attached preliminary floorplan. Once Dave Warner
and I meet in Early July, we will spend the next month designing the exhibit.
Estimated set-up and strike time: 3 hours set up, 1 hour strike
Kids from around the world, in schools, cybercafes, and at home are given an "Internet
Channel" to voice their solutions for a better world. They are accepted as contributors to the
evolution of life by the adults. Through KidCasting, kids are provoked by their teachers, parents
and guardians, to consider solutions to personal, local and planetary problems, and to explore ideas
about compassion and community. Because we seek their expression, the kids' self-esteem
increases. Children learn valuable tools for community building and how to use computers for
digital storytelling; a valuable job skill for the 21st Century (nurturing future Siggraphians).
During live interaction, children express their ideas and feelings overcoming obsticles of distance
and language . They hold up their creations in front of the video camera, direct the public to their
web site, and have conversations with each other and the public-at-large. This foundation of
community thinking and education/use of digital storytelling tools stimulates an early desire to use
computer graphic tools for communication, education and entertainment. KidCast prepares them for
our evolving digital world, yet stimulates (protects) their "humanness." In today's hectic world,
physical gatherings and high-touch environments tend to be replaced by non-physical electronic
interaction. Through KidCasting, children make friends with their "foreign" counterparts. KidCast
exists to facilitate young peoples' discussion about how to overcome life's challenges. KidCast
stimulates the parents to provide better role models and to accept and respect the consciousness of
their offspring; our future world leaders.
Most KidCast documentation can be found online at: