Visions Of Peace
KidCast Content Creation Suggestions

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Your ideas are welcomed;
submit them in our

Community Forum!


The following are some guidelines for creating content for both Web page display and for mounting on our 3-D EarthStation. You can also participate in designing parts of the EarthStation using various VRML and 3-D software. Technical details for posting on web sites, the EarthStation, and coordinating the CU-SeeMe videochat are being worked out. When they become available they will be posted in KidCast Central.

It's important that the Kids are given enough time to do QuickTime movies, animation for Shockwave, create short stories, images and illuminated writings, collage, illustrated poems. Hey, that would be a good one! Remember how advertising used to have pictures instead of some words? That would make a fun submission (especially if the Icons were triggers for sound bytes).

We believe solutions to personal and global problems, rest in our ability to communicate our highest potential; first as individuals, and secondly as a global network of hearts and minds taking action towards the common good. Your submission should reflect this in light of the categories below.

For Young Children:

Outline childs hand on Light colorded paper. Write inside words like Peace, More love, Hug A Tree, etc. Adorn freely with crayons, cut up colored paper. Have them ready to show on CU-SeeMe TV or scan them and put them on your KidCast For Peace web page.

For Children of all ages:

Use the categories below to create content for your entries...

  • People Care
  • Planet Care
  • Species Rights
  • Family
  • Recycling
  • Peace
  • Energy
  • Communications
  • Cosmology
  • Metaphysics

  • Please make sure the work you are submitting is in some digital form. Use a scanner or digital still/video camera to input analog work. The following is really important:

    Include a paragraph (3 or 4 sentences) describing your submission to post on our KidCast Central Arts for Social Change gallery page along with your URL, and the image or animation you submit. This is so people not having access to the proper browser, QuickTime, Shockwave or VRML viewing software (for the EarthStation) will have a place to go to see ALL the submissions. Please be sure to include a GIF, TIFF, or PICT screengrab (or a series of different views in the case of 3-D) along with your submission.

    You can begin to post your VISIONS OF PEACE at any time on *your* KidCast For Peace website. Download and use our logos to build it and then send us the URL, the GIFs and THE PARAGRAPH.

    Organizing Grassroots Community Service Projects
    in Schools/Organizations/Clubs

    The following again courtesy of Glenna Voegle

    The following procedure has been used to organize local grassroots
    projects with middle school and high school students. This would need to
    be adapted in some ways for younger students. College students are
    encouraged to adapt all suggestions to your needs and interests.

    1. The first step is to create a vision which reflects the hopes and
    highest desires of individuals and groups for life on our planet. Creative
    visualizations and centering processes may be used to assist in releasing
    the imagination and tuning in to the larger picture of how the world might
    be if all issues of survival, development, protection and participation
    were resolved with justice. We have used various kinds of music, movement
    and other forms of art with this activity, having the students express
    their own vision through such mediums as poetry, stories, paintings,
    drawings, sculptures, shapes and sounds, dramatizations and so forth.

    After the individual visions have been shared, work together to combine the
    words, symbols, pictures into a group expression (in written and visual

    Examples of vision statements that have been created in this way include
    the vision on the summary page of the Habitat II participation project and
    the following vision created by students from 36 countries at the 1995
    World Summit of Children:

    We, the young peoples of the Earth, envision a world united by love and
    justice. A sharing of our voices and actions shall lead us to peace,
    prosperity and preservation of this planet. We ask that the people of the
    world work with us in global partnership to fulfill the responsibilities
    the future of this world.

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    2. After your vision statement is completed, the group begins the process
    of integrating it into their own lives, considering how this vision, if
    realized, might affect them individually, as a community, nation, world.
    With this in mind, the group brainstorms the most pressing issues in their
    communities with regards to survival, development, protection and
    participation, which must be faced/transformed, in order for this vision to
    be fully realized. Below is an example which came from the Oklahoma City
    core group:

    A. Respecting Diversity - eliminating racism, discriminations of
    all kinds; developing mutual understanding, cooperation, acceptance, and
    B. Developing Meaningful Education - eliminating illiteracy;
    providing a purposeful education that prepares students to deal with real
    life issues (one which children and youth would have a voice in designing);
    fully integrating the arts and supporting the awareness that the arts may
    be used to improve education, to revitalize our cities, to bring families
    and communities closer and to provide excellent alternatives to violence
    C. Creating Peaceful Communities - effectively addressing the
    causes of violence; developing reasonable and practical alternatives to
    D. Working Towards Sustainable Environments - becoming actively
    involved in protecting our earth from misuse and neglect; supporting
    E. Moving Beyond Survival - creating sustainable communities
    committed to eliminating hunger and poverty, inadequate shelter and
    improving health care

    3. It is suggested that the group prioritizes the challenges before
    beginning the processes of assessment and research. The core group may
    want to find other groups in the community (schools, classrooms, etc.) that
    would be willing to research and assess the remaining challenges. The
    assessment process should include:

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    How does this affect our community and what are the probable causes
    and contributing factors? Networking with other groups (in the community
    and through the support network) can increase awareness and generate new

    What is currently being done in our community (families, schools,
    churches, organizations, political systems) to address this issue? How
    effective are current actions? What resources are available?

    4. The next step involves organizing forums or informal
    discussion-networking sessions planned to share the information and to
    brainstorm ideas for alternative solutions or ways to upgrade/improve
    current program solutions. This is a very good time to utilize Voices of
    the Next Generation's networking system.

    5. After needs and resources have been shared and ideas have been
    generated for projects, the group needs to set reasonable goals and
    objectives for the particular project they would like to work on, create a
    plan of action (steps) to meet the goals and establish a working time
    frame. Materials needed, funding and donation processes, reviewing
    available resources (including talents and abilities of the members),
    working committees, check-in and evaluation procedures would then be

    6. One of the most important steps involves commitment. Each individual
    needs to have the space to examine what he/she can offer and is willing to
    commit. Support for one another and networking with other groups provide a
    most needed component.


    The following comes from Amy M. Pierce, Executive Director
    Piercefam Associates, creators of "Cyber_Fe"
    Central Massachusett's very own Internet Coffeehouse

    This week I will be working to get plans underway with St. Mary's to coordinate our submission to the EarthStation. Since there are only 180 students in grades K-8, we should be able to not only create a grand submission, but also take part in the live CuSeeme event. The following are some ideas I threw down adding to your list when we first talked:

    1- Have each class create lists with advice and suggestions to world leaders so that they may achieve peace.

    3- Have each child write a short story on what their world would be like in their own vision of peace.

    3- (older children) Have students create essays describing their solutions on how to achieve a world of peace, with emphasis on current events, and the solutions the children have to solve them.

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