Global broadband startup is looking for 21st century creative Talent, Managers and Executives

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Posted by CCAFE FWD ( on November 01, 2002 at 15:44:07:

Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 02:50:02 -0800
Subject: Global broadband startup is looking for 21st century creative Talent, Managers and Executives 11/1/2002 2:50:02 AM

Who is WSNTV 21?
WSNTV is short for the World Server Network TV, a global education, entertainment and media organization devoted to producing and providing world-wide access to educational and entertainment multimedia content delivered to the consumers via broadband internet. Our goals are to bring low-cost higher education and entertainment to the worldwide population and to promote the spread of broadband internet access which will enable the birth of a truly global multimedia network. In addition we are offering online university programs for students all over the world who wish to earn an official MBA or Ph.D. degree.

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for professional, highly creative and motivated individuals who either wish to design, develop and publish multimedia content in your areas of specialization, or to teach and supervise our Producing Members at our new openly WSN 21 University.

We are also looking for highly-motivated individuals who are eager to learn about online business management and broadband multimedia publishing as Member or Student with 300MB web space .

As broadband technology is implemented worldwide at an ever increasing rate, the need for quality content becomes greater each day. This is our market. We have created the WSN 21 University to assist in augmenting our members' skills, to keep pace with this growing requirement.

What kind of opportunity is WSNTV offering? IF YOU ---

Wish to be part of the fastest growing organization online today

Have what it takes to be a key player in an estimated $10 Billion market by 2010

Have the creative skills to create content

Have the managerial skills to inspire and motivate teams of 100+ global creative designers

Have the executive skills to lead, direct and motivate global teams of managers

Wish to achieve real financial independence through team work within the next four to five years?

If you answered "Yes" to one or more of the above questions, we would like to have you! We are looking for several talented people who can accelerate and complement the growth of WSNTV 21 so that we can ALL profit from this staggering broadband opportunity. If you are resourceful and determined, open-minded about new ways of doing business, get in touch with us at . A Curriculum Vitae preferred for Management Roles, but not necessary initially. Serious candidates only please!

More information is available by clicking the links below:

Membership Remuneration Package at
MBA/PhD Programs and Rewards at
Co-ownership Opportunities at
Evaluation Methodology at

Should you have specific questions about WSNTV21, please do not hesitate to send us an email at

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Heidi Green, Ph.D., MD., MS.
WSNTV 21 Inc.

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E-mail based commercial communication avoids unnecessary spending on catalogues and paper, and helps to preserve valuable natural resources such as forests and oil. We do not wish to share our valuable information about broadband business with those who are not interested; only with those who want to participate in our projects.

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