Monday, February 01, 2010

1968 Clelia "Claire" from years ago makes contact!

1968 Clelia "Claire" from Days of Steve RosenZweig
Originally uploaded by pedro pan


File this in the "Do you believe it," dept! I got a message from Facebook that my first girlfriend from some 40 years ago has surfaced and sought me out!

Her message finds me, for the first time in 30 years, living with someone!! that I feel so at peace with - that I need not look any further. This after searching for the "perfect one" for so, so long... only to realize that she wasn't appearing because *I had to be ready myself* (lose the hard, isolating edges), before a true love would appear.

I consider myself very lucky - both because I have finally found someone and because the internet connects me with so many friends, teachers and mentors from my past, people like Clelia! We'd gone thru **a lot** together! I'm glad she made contact and look forward to hearing her tales.

I remember the day I threw away the "going steady" ring I gave her: when she told me she loved the beatles, more than me! LOL ...PS I also remember the first time I was in bed with her as we heard the door open to her house, meaning her parents had come home unexpectedly early! LOL