Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997,
To: (Wolfgang Schinagl) From: (Creativity Cafe),
Subject: Re: Graz Program Website- Creativity Cafe FINAL REVISION,
Cc: EdElkin@AOL.COM,
>ANNOUNCEMENT > >SEMINAR >Multimedia Storytelling: Personal Expression in the Digital Age PRESENTERS: Peter H. Rosen - Creativity Cafe & V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media Edwin Elkin, Ph.D. - Creativity Cafe Consulting Synergist > >COURSE NUMBER > 34913.016 > >DATE >May 16-17, 1997, 10 -17, WIFI IIC Graz and WIFI Castle of Hartberg >Friday, May 16, 1997 WIFI Castle of Hartberg, Austria, beginning at >10:00 am in Hartberg until open end (9:00 am from Graz, WIFI IIC Graz >with shuttle service to Hartberg) Saturday, May 17, 1997, 9:00 am >shuttle service to Graz, beginning at 10:00 am in WIFI Interactive >Information Center Graz, Motivation Center until 5:00 pm including all >meals, shuttle service Graz - Hartberg - Graz, accommodation (bed and >breakfast) in a nice bourgeois hotel in Hartberg from May 16-17, 1997 > >DESCRIPTION Participants are asked to bring autobiographical data to the workshop. This will consist of family video and audio tapes, photographs and treasured momentos for creating an Electronic Family Album. You will be taken through an evolutionary journey to prepare and sensitize you to where you have been, and where you might like to go. With the assistance from those familiar with the digital tools and technology in our technology lab, we will teach you how to digitize sound and video from your tapes, your photos and momentos from your life. We will work with you to develop a story from these momentos and your experiences using what you have brought in. American Artist Peter Rosen will teach you how to integrate the digitized material into a Quicktime movie (using Macromedia Director, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere) and/or create a web site to commemorate your storytelling experience during our mutual adventure. The workshop will end by transferring your Quicktime movie to video tape. **If time permits, we will connect with other students and multimedia centers around the world involved in similar storytelling activities via a live cybercast on the World Wide Web. ================END=================== The possibility exists that we may follow the workshop with a seperate evening event (after a dinner break on May 16th). The participants can invite their family and friends (for free) the public for a fee would be welcomed to interact withthe storytellers for an admission of $6. ** (possible insert) After a dinner break on May 16, the seminar participants will be part of a V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media Ink Artists Showcase and Networking event. Each seminar participant will have a 15 minute spot to showcase their creations interactrively on large video projection screen. before an audience of invited friends and the public. Afterwards everyone is encouraged to mingle and get to know each other better in an atmosphere where "Strangers, are just friends who haven't yet met!". Admission to the evening showcase beginning at 19:30 is US$6. Refreshments will be served. >Class limited to 5 projects > >FEES >Individuals US$400 >Partnered in pairs: US$550 > >ANK?NDIGUNG > >SEMINAR >Multimedia Storytelling: die pers?nliche Ausdrucksform im digitalen >Zeitalter Multimedia Storytelling: Personal Expression in the Digital >Age (engl. Originaltitel) > >DRAFT > >"Der Mythos und andere kleine Teufel im Cyberspace" > >"The Myth and Other Little Devils in Cyberspace" > > >LOCATION >Europasaal der Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, Hall of Europe of the >Styrian Chamber of Commerce, Graz, Austria > >DATE >Thursday, May 15, 1997 > >NUMBER OF EXPECTED VISITORS >350-400 (potential of the hall is 500) > > >"The Myth and Other Little Devils in Cyberspace"
> >Programme > >11:15 am > >KEYNOTE LECTURER >Peter H. Rosen, San Francisco, USA > TITLE Creativity Caf??; a "New School For the Next Millennium..." Using Analog and Digital Creativity Tools for the Enhancement of Personal and Planetary Evolution. ABSTRACT The world is dramatically smaller thanks to computers and massive public access to the World Wide Web. But something is still wrong. The people of this world are in disharmony more often than not. This lecture will describe how using today's state-of-the-art digital technology in a local physical environment such as a cybercafe, can provide an experience that is healing on both a personal and planetary level. Storytellers of today have access to powerful new tools for self expression. They are creating new myths that will mold the leaders and societies of tomorrow. Mr. Rosen will share his thoughts on how this will reduce crime, generate jobs and evolve global culture. SHORT BIO Peter H. Rosen is founder of Visionary Artists Resources Including Other Unique Services (V.A.R.I.O.U.S.), a non-profit community benefit association, and Creativity Cafe; a multimedia educational entertainment venue and community communication/synergy center. Creativity Caf?? has been on the World Wide Web since September 20, 1994. They touch down frequently in physical reality to illustrate the kind of community programming designed for a permanent facility being developed for San Francisco, California and at cybercafes around the world. Visit Creativity Cafe at: Mr. Rosen can be reached at: LONG BIO Peter H. Rosen is a multimedia artist, interactive event producer and visionary. He founded Visionary Artists' Resources Including Other Unique Services (V.A.R.I.O.U.S.), in 1980 to build a high tech artists' resource center (now called Creativity Cafe) for exploring the use of art and technology for educational entertainment, healing and global community empowerment. He directed a 1983 prototype including the world's first video disk recorder programmed as an Image Storage and Retrieval System for contemporary art. His careers include radio program host, broadcast television cameraman for the ABC Television Network, recording engineer, photographer, music teacher, electronics technician, computer graphics artist, web site designer and interactive event producer. As a coordinator at the California Museum of Science and Industry's "Creative Computer" exhibit from1985-87, he taught computer graphics to artists, school groups and visitors. In 1989, Mr. Rosen initiated the Arts for Social Change awards to recognize artists using technology for a better world. He currently is developing Creativity Cafe ( educational entertainment venue, and community communication/resource center where the creative tools of today can support the storytellers and leaders of tomorrow. He may be reached via email: >LANGUAGE > English > >SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION >English-German > >PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES >lecture with computer presentation, slides, group participation, >videos, etc. > >DURATION >30-40 minutes > >CONTACT >Peter H. Rosen >Founder: Visionary Artists' Resources Including Other Unique Services >Founder and Executive Coordinator: Creativity Cafe 2263 Sacramento >St., #2 San Francisco, CA 94115 415.776.0821 (VOX/FAX) > Creativity Cafe on the World Wide Web: > > > >12:00 - 12:45 > >finger lunch in the foyer > > >12:45 - 1:30 pm > >KEYNOTE LECTURER >Ed Elkin, Los Angeles, Maui > >TITLE >Interactive Evolution Theatre: Performing Arts and Guided Imagery >Magic Interweave "HighTech/ High Touch" for the 21st Century > >ABSTRACT >Interactive Theater offers a state-of-the-art experience in the >Expressive Arts. The Conscious Evolution Adventure is one form of >interactive theater which invites participants to enact evolutionary >stages as audience or actor., stretching behavioral boundaries and >giving the most growth in the least time with the most fun! > >"The Conscious Evolution Adventure" guides participants through >various aspects of the evolutionary sequence, starting with life-forms >in the primordial sea. As actor or audience at any time, participants >play many animal roles of fish, frogs, reptiles, mammals and enact the >stages of human growth from birth to death and beyond, deepening our >understanding of ourselves and each other as evolutionary beings, The >presentation will offer the theory behind the practice, a short video >of a "performance " and several experiential exercises to give a taste >of the process. > >SHORT BIO >Ed Elkin is a Ph.D. Psychologist, Expressive Arts Psychotherapist, >actor, singer, poet, adventurer and evolutionary agent.. He founded >Transpersonal Gestalt as an explicitly spiritual variation on the >traditional Gestalt of Fritz Perls. He lives and works in Maui and Los >Angeles. He is also the Consulting synergist for the Creativity Caf??. > >LONG BIO >A former Fulbright Scholar in Psychology at the Sorbonne in Paris, Ed >Elkin, Ph.D. is best known as a Gestalt Therapist and Trainer who was >a founding member of the Gestalt Therapy Institute of Washington, DC. >Earlier studies with Richard Alpert and Alan Watts, plus extensive >training in yoga, zen, meditation and the ARICA School gave him >extensive background in Transpersonal Psychology. In 1970, he founded >Transpersonal Gestalt which emphasizes the unity that underlies our >apparent diversity, publishing A Transpersonal Gestalt Primer in 1979. >Outside of Psychology, Ed Elkin is an actor, singer, poet and dancer >with many performances in community theater. He is the Creative Arts >Director of A Center for Creative Change in Los Angeles and on Maui, >Hawaii and is currently Associate Director of the Heaven on Earth >Foundation in Sherman Oaks, California. > >LANGUAGE > English > >SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION >English-German > >PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES >interactive group theatre, group participation, role play, fun, game, >Internet participation > >DURATION >45 minutes > >CONTACT >Dr. Ed Elkin >13907 Chandler Blvd. >Serman Oaks, CA 91401 >USA > > >1:30 - 2:15 pm > >KEYNOTE LECTURER >Bruno della Chi?sa, Poitiers, Departement de la Vienne, France > >TITLE >Ist das virtuelle Ding an sich unkennbar? (Mythos, Science Fiction und >Tomorrow's Cyberspace) > >ABSTRACT >Die Science-Fiction Literatur hat vor ca. 15 Jahren damit angefangen, >unsere Cyberzukunft zu prognostizieren: sog. "cyberpunk" Werke >schildern Tra?me und Alptra?me als Vorstellungen der morgigen >Cyberwelt. Da geht es sowohl darum, eine glaubw?rdige Vision der >Entwicklungen von Internet an sich vorherzusehen, als auch darum, die >psychologischen, soziologischen, politischen und philosophischen >Konsequenzen dieser "neuen Grenze" zu durchsuchen (zu erforschen). >Interessanterweise werden die ?ltesten Mythen der Menschheit noch >einmal dabei hervorgerufen, wie es in der Science-Fiction ?blich ist; >und die wichtigsten Fragen der guten Science-Fiction Literatur der >letzten 50 Jahre, die immer wieder auf dem philosophischen Denken >beruhen, werden hier von neuen Ketzern revitalisiert. ?brigens: was >hat Plato zur "Hi-Reality" zu sagen? > >SHORT BIO >Bruno della Chiesa, als Sprachwissenschaftler ausgebildet, ist ein >"franz?sischer Science-fiction Freak europ?ischer Herkunft". Nach 12 >Jahren im Ausland f?r das franz?siche Au?enministerium - er hat in >Deutschland (Bonn), ?gypten (Kairo), Mexiko (Guadalajara) und >?sterreich (Graz) gelebt und gearbeitet - kam er Ende 1994 nach >Frankreich zur?ck ("aber nur f?r eine Woche pro Monat!") als Leiter >der internationalen Beziehungen im D?partement de la Vienne >(Poitiers), wo er auch f?r internationale Projekte im Cyberspace >zust?ndig ist ("passt sehr gut zu meinem ontologischen Nomadismus...") > > >LANGUAGE > German > >PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES >lecture with video presentation > >DURATION >45 minutes > >CONTACT >Dr. Bruno della Chi?sa >Charg? d?Affaires Europ?ennes >Departement de la Vienne >Hotel du Department >Potiers Cedex BP 319 86008 >France >Tel.:+33 49556613 >Fax +33 49507415 >E-Mail > >2:15 - 3:00 pm > >KEYNOTE LECTURER >Johann G?tschl, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Science of Research and >Institute of Philosophy, University of Graz > >TITLE >Rationality and Emotion in Cyberspace > >SHORT BIO >Am 14. Juli 1939 geboren. 1953-1956 Ausbildung zum Industrieschwei?er, >1956-1964 Industrieschlosser, 24.6.1964 Reifepr?fung am >Bundesgymnasium f?r Berufst?tige, Graz (vorm. Arbeitermittelschule), >1964-1971 Studium der Philosophie und Physik als Werkstudent, >25.11.1971 Promotion zum Dr. phil., 1971-1981 Universit?tsassistent >und Lektor f?r Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie Universit?t Graz, >1974 Theodor K?rner Preis. Seit 1978 Leiter des Ludwig Boltzmann >Institutes f?r Wissenschaftsforschung und Herausgeber und >Schriftleiter der "Zeitschrift f?r Wissenschaftsforschung". 1979 >Universit?tsdozent f?r Philosophie mit besonderer Ber?cksichtigung der >Wissenschafts-theorie der Naturwissenschaften, 1981 >Universit?tsprofessor f?r Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie der >Naturwissenschaften Universit?t Graz, seit 1987 Vorsitzender des >Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Steirischen Forschungsgesellschaft >Joanneum Research. 1993 Mitglied der Kommission "Alexander von >Humboldt Forschung" und" Wissenschafts-historische Studien" - >Akademievorhaben an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der >Wissenschaften. Seit 1994 Mitglied im Editorial Board von Theory and >Dicision Library, Series A: Philosophy and Methodology of the Social >Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht/ Boston/London. >Lektorate an der Technischen Universit?t Graz, an den Universit?ten >Dubrovnik und Wien sowie der Technischen Universit?t Wien. >Gastprofessuren an der University of Boulder Colorado/USA (1976, >1984), Humboldt-Universit?t, Berlin/DDR (1984), Technischen >Universit?t Braunschweig (1987), Universit?t D?sseldorf (1989), >University of Minnesota/USA (1992), New School for Social Research, >Dept. of Philosophy, Graduate Faculty, New York (1996) Wichtigste >Publikationen: Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt und die Bedingungen f?r >Humanit?tsgewinn (1988); Philosophical and Scientific Conceptions of >Nature and the Place of Responsibility (1989); Zum Menschenbild in der >Technikdiskussion (1989); Zur philosophischen Bedeutung des Paradigmas >der Selbstorganisation (1990); Erwin Schr?dinger's World View: The >Dynamics of Knowledge and Reality (1991); Revolutionary Changes in >Understanding Man and Society. Scopes and Limits (1995) u. a. m. > >LANGUAGE > German > >PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES >lecture with computer presentation > >DURATION >45 minutes > >CONTACT >Prof. Dr. Johann G?tschl >Mozartgasse 14, A-8010 Graz >Tel.: +43 316 380-2315, Fax: -9706 >email: >Web: > > >3:00 - 4:00 pm > >PANEL DISCUSSION > >MODERATOR >Wolfgang Schinagl, WIFI Interactive Information Center Graz and Ludwig >Boltzmann Institute for Science of Research, University of Graz > >PANEL >Peter H. Rosen >Ed Elkin >Fabrizio Funto' >Johann G?tschl >Bruno della Chi?sa > >4:00 pm end >WIFI Steiermark >Interactive Information Center Graz >Silicon Studio Authorized Training Center >Wolfgang Schinagl, managing director >Koerblergasse 111, A-8010 Graz/Austria >Tel.: +43-316/602-691, Fax: -711 >GSM: +43-664/2006030 for urgent calls (voice mailbox) >email: >Web site: >CompuServe: 100136,132 - and - >Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Science of Research, >University of Graz >Mozartgasse 14, A-8010 Graz >Tel.: +43 316 380-2315, Fax: +43 316 328167 >email: >Web site: