Recent Events
Stay tuned for upcoming events. Click here to join a mailing list at Creativity Cafe to hear about upcoming events. Click HERE for historical information on past V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media happenings and events on the Road to our first physical Creativity Cafe.
Moderated from San Francisco at the How Weird Street Festival PEACE PAVILLION. Our connected nodes included Brazil and New York City.
Moderated from Maui at the Maui Individualized Learning Center, Our connected nodes included Maui, IAO Elementary School, Lakeview Charter School (CA) and individuals/schools in Brazil, Holland, Germany, New York City and elsewhere.
Live Multinode videoconference linking students, youth and the general public. Solutions for a better world are interactively presented via Ditigal Storytelling featuring students at Univiersity of Hawaii and random kids at heart in NYC. Please join in the fun and this talent show for the Earth.
Peter H. Rosen, founder of Creativity Cafe's KidCast for Peace,
was invited to be the featured Keynote Speaker at this performance, panal and networking
conference on creativity - held at Johns Hopkins University, Maryland. He was awarded a Governers Certificate of Recognition, and a plaque honoring him as a PeaceKeeper. The conference was produced by THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR URBAN PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES, INC.
Live Multinode videoconference linking students, youth and the general public. Solutions for a better world are interactively presented via Ditigal Storytelling.
April 6,2004
See documentation from the first trade show Digital Storytelling Installation in Hawaii by V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media to promote and facilitate KidCast for Peace.
Creativity Cafe participated with Distance Education Pioneers in a 24 hour Cyber Gathering. Listen to an audio presentation describing a New School for the New Millennium!